Thursday, September 3, 2009

I quote from an interesting blog - Talk Reason :

"So the situation is this: On the one had we find that there is no reason in theory why evolution cannot account for complex systems. Furthermore, every one of the numerous complex systems studied in detail has just the structure it ought to have if it originated via known mechanisms. Scientists use this fact to formulate useful hypotheses about the history of these systems, and can claim one explanatory success after another as a result. For scientists the hypothesis that a system evolved by natural selection is the beginning, not the end, of their investigation.

On the other hand we find that ID proponents find it more plausible to invent out of whole cloth a designer capable of performing feats that can only be described as magical. They have not a single explanatory success to their credit, and have given no reason to believe their hypotheses can ever lead to anything useful. For ID proponents the assertion of design is the end of the investigation."

I think that is the most clear summary of the situation that I have seen in the last 5 years. You know that feeling when you go into the mountains, and have a few minutes or hours alone there? That feeling that the mountains have been there for a loooooooong time? how spiritual it feels? I get it every time, it makes me feel really good, and really connected, and really special, and somehow and I'm starting to think it's a trick of the light, metaphorically speaking. I'm not going anywhere different to anyone else on this planet when I die. Pauper or king, when we cease to be, its over. Sorry, but this is not some scene out of "The Highlander". (Still, I'm not about to stop going into the mountains :) )

There are too many people dying in abject poverty, famine and war to even entertain any form of deity, vengeful or loving. THERE IS NO GOD. We did it outselves, through our own triumphs and our own failures. The two most important things we can do would be to get rid of the church and McDonalds.

Stand on your own feet and live!

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