Thursday, September 3, 2009

Something I wrote on the plane on the way back from mexico about ten years ago:

Humans are only concerned with two things:

Love and death; or, rather: Experience and Meaning.

We need Love as the experience, Death as the final meaning. To communicate with someone requires that we share experiences with them, in order that their and our death has some meaning.

Love and death are flip sides of the same coin. We seek a meaningful-death (2), and the love-experience(2). Is this a four-sided coin (2+2), or are the related concepts the same ?

There is a flow of give and take across the two sides of the coin here, which validates the existence of two people involved in a relationship.

I need the experience of love from you, in order that I can give my death meaning, and vice-versa. Where does this relate to our desire for sex? for acceptance? Does this this go right up the scale of our existence, our expression, our personal reality, spirituality?

These concepts tie together at least three dimensions of our existence. Is this all, or are there more?

These are the basic lessons, the skills we need to learn. Learn them and live forever.

We are built to notice the possibility of love. It is inherent between two people in a sense, but the act of love and of noticing it's possibility is the same thing, in the same way that our fear of a meaningless death and the death itself is the same thing.

After all, heaven is indistinguishable from hell; look around you: you are seeing both. It is only your perspective that changes. Is the love/death thing our means of cutting through this to find heaven ? Do some people desire hell ? Can we tell the difference ? Is our single ability to be able to distinguish between them, our act of free will ? Is this the key to existence ?

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